Nubble Twilight York Maine
by Dawna Moore Photography
Nubble Twilight York Maine
Dawna Moore Photography
Photograph - Nature Photography
Coast Guard Keeper Russ Ahlgren (February 1986-1987) said living at Neddick with camera-happy tourists 100 yards away was �like living in a fish bowl looking out at the rest of the world.� Everything his family needed had to be carried across the rocks on the mainland and put into a basket that was suspended from a line that ran to the island. The keeper would then row his family over to the island and reel in the basket carrying food, drink, and personal items. There was a catchment system for water, but bottled water was used for drinking. �The basket is our mainstay,� Russ said. �The local police or fire department will put food or whatever we need in the basket if we can�t get off.�
Back in 1967, Coast Guardsman David Winchester found a unique use for the basket that became well known through Madeline Downing�s painting entitled �Off to School.� In it, the Winchester�s seven-year-old son Ricky is shown in his knit hat being trundled off to school in the basket over the waves, with his father behind him working the pulleys. Coast Guard superiors were horrified and quickly set the rule that no families with school age children would ever be stationed there again. (
January 9th, 2014
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