Twilight over Father Francisco Lopez de Mendoza Grajales statue Mission Nombre de Dios St. Augustine #1

by Dawna Moore Photography
Twilight over Father Francisco Lopez de Mendoza Grajales statue Mission Nombre de Dios St. Augustine #1
Dawna Moore Photography
Photograph - Nature And Travel Photography
"On September 8, 1565, with much pomp and circumstance and 600 voyagers cheering, Don Pedro Menéndez de Avilés set foot on the shores of Florida. In honor of the saint whose feast day fell on the day he first sighted land, Menéndez named the colonial settlement St. Augustine. Following Menéndez’ veneration of the cross, thus proclaiming this land in the name of God (Nombre de Dios), and raising of the King’s flag, thus proclaiming this land also in the name of King Phillip II of Spain, Fr. López celebrated Mass at a rustic altar made of wood. The sky served as the roof for what was the first parish Mass in what is now the U.S." (missionandshrine.org)
July 20th, 2014
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